Shaman King is an action-adventure anime series from 2001, an original manga story written and illustrated by Hiroyuki Takei. Shaman King anime series is produced by Xebec and here’s some titles behind its studio like To LOVE-Ru, MM!, Busou Renkin and Haiyore! Nyaruko-san . Shaman King consists of 64 episodes, runs about 23 minutes per episode and aired from July 2004 till September 2002. Opening song “Over soul” and “Northern Lights” both performed by Megumi Hayashibara (Anna Kyouyama). Ending song “Trust You” and “Omokage” both performed by Megumi Hayashibara (Anna Kyouyama), and “Tamashii Kasanete” is performed by Yuuko Satou (You Asakura). Shaman King anime series is directed by Seiji Mizushima. Shaman Fight is about to begin in Tokyo, a tournament that is held for every 500 years where shaman (who can command spirits) will fight each other shaman. The one who survives and wins this Shaman Fight will become Shaman King and the only shaman can contract and control The Great Sp...