Maburaho is an anime series from 2003, based on a light novel story written by Toshihiko Tsukiji and illustrated by E-ji Komatsu. Anime series of Maburaho is produced by J.C.Staff and here’s some popular titles behind its studio like Toradora!, Shokugeki no Souma, Zero no Tsukaima and Toaru Majutsu no Index . Maburaho consists of 24 episodes, runs about 24 minutes per episode and aired from October 2003 till April 2004. Opening song “Koi no Mahou '' is performed by Ichiko. Ending song “We’d Get There Some Day” is performed by Ichiko. Maburaho anime series is directed by Shinichiro Kimura. Maburaho is a world of magicians, everyone is born with the ability to use magic. The one problem is that every magician is not born equal, the number indicates how many times or already determine your magic status you have. Kazuki Shikimori, one of the students in Aoi Academy, was looked down by his classmates because of having the lowest magic count in the whole academy. One thing is diff...