Busou Renkin for some or English title is Arms Alchemy, an anime adaptation from a manga series of Busou Renkin. The manga series of Busou Renkin is great because of the detailed artwork and blend of comedy and action at the same time. Busou Renkin consists of 24 episodes, runs for 24 minutes per episode and aired from 4th quarter of 2006 to 1st quarter of 2007. The anime adaptation is produced by Xebec. Opening song “Makka na Chikai” performed by Fkukuyama Yoshiki. Ending song “Hoshi Akari” performed by Jyukai and “Itoshiki Sekai” performed by Aya Kagami. Busou Renkin is directed by Takao Kato. Kazuki Muto, an ordinary high school student, one night while walking all alone he saved a mysterious girl from a monster attack that caused his whole life. Kazuki wakes up in the dorm. It's like nothing happened at all and just a dream to believe something you don’t see. Kazuki soon finds out that what happened last night is not a dream at all when a giant serpent monster attacks him an...