Shakugan no Shana or Shana for short. Shana is an original light novel series written by Yashichiro Takahashi and illustrated by Noizi Ito and published under Dengeki Bunko. The anime series of Shana consists of 24 episodes, with a duration of 24 minutes per episode and aired from October 2005 to March 2006, directed by Takashi Watanabe. Produced by J.C.Staff, mostly well-known production of anime and some of their popular work is Toradora, Kaichou wa Maid-sama!, Prison School and Zero no Tsukaima. The opening song “Hishoku no Sora'' performed by Mami Kawada and “being” by Kotoko while the ending songs Yoake Umare Kuru Shoujo” performed by Yoko Takahashi and “Aka no Seijaku by Yoko Ishida. Crimson Denizens, mysterious beings from a parallel universe who get life energy from humans. The world becomes a slaughtering ground for Crimson Denizens who eat energy and leave behind a small remainder soul called Torch will eventually be destroyed along the very fact victim by Crimson De...