Amagi Brilliant Park is one of the great anime series from 2014, a light novel story written by Shoji Gatoh and illustrated by Yuka Nakajima. Anime series of Amagi Brilliant Park is produced by Kyoto Animation and here’s some popular titles behind its studio like Koe no Katachi, CLANNAD , Violet Evergarden and Hyouka . Amagi Brilliant Park consists of 13 episodes, runs about 24 minutes per episode and aired from October 2014 till December 2014. Opening song “Extra Magic Hour” performed by AKINO with bless4. Ending song “Elementario de Aimashou” performed by BRILLIANT 4 (Tomoyo Kutosawa, Shiori Mikami, Minami Tsuda, Yuuka Aisaka). Amagi Brilliant Park anime series is directed by Yasuhiro Takemoto. Seiya Kanie, a high school student is also one of the smart students but narcissistic at the same time. One day Seiya is being invited or forced by a beautiful classmate Isuzu Sento on a date at an amusement park called Amagi Brilliant Park. To make things worse the amusement park is not ...