Zero no Tsukaima or The Familiar of Zero in English title, a light novel series written by the late Noboru Yamaguchi and artworks by Eiji Usatsuka. Anime adaptation is from J.C.Staff also produce a lot of great anime series like Shakugan no Shana, Hayate no Gotoku, Toradora! and Shokugeki no Souma. Zero no Tsukaima consists of 13 episodes, runs for 23 minutes per episode and aired from July 2006 till September 2006. Opening song “First Kiss” performed by ICHIKO. Ending song “Honto no Kimochi” performed by Rie Kugimiya. Zero no Tsukaima is directed by Yoshiaki Iwasaki. Louise Francoise Le Blanc de La Valliere is a mage student at Tristain Academy, a prestigious school for magicians. The only major problem Louise had was being unable to cast magic properly and that’s one reason why she was called “Louise the Zero” by her classmates. When a student at the academy is required to perform a summoning ritual, Louise's summoning results in an explosion around the academy grounds. Everyone ...