Psycho-Pass is one of the popular anime series from 2012, an original anime series script written by Gen Urobuchi. Psycho-Pass anime series is produced by Production I.G and here’s some popular titles behind it’s studio like xxxHOLiC, Kaleido Star, Guilty Crown and Blood+. Psycho-Pass consists of 22 episodes, runs about 23 minutes per episode and aired from October 2012 till March 2013. Opening song “abnormalize” is performed by Ling Tosite Sigure, and “Out of Control” performed by Nothing’s Carved in Stone. Ending song “Namae no nai Kaibutsu” and “All Alone With You” both performed by EGOIST. Psycho-Pass anime series is directed by Katsuyuki Notohiro. In the 22nd century the justice and enforcement has changed in Japan by using the “Sibyl System”. The Sibyl System objective is to determine the threat level of each and every citizen by examining their mental state that can show signs of criminal intent as known as their Psycho-Pass. Inspectors uphold the law by subjugating people...
Nodame Cantabile is a musical anime series from 2007, an original manga story written and illustrated by Tomoko Ninomiya. Nodame Cantabile anime series is produced by J.C.Staff and here’s some popular titles behind its studio like Shakugan no Shana , Zero no Tsukaima , Toaru Majutsu no Index and Kaichou wa Maid-sama! . Nodame Cantabile consists of 23 episodes, runs about 22 minutes per episode and aired from January 2007 till June 2007. Opening song “Allegro Cantabile Sound” performed by SUEMITSU & THE SUEMITH. Ending song “Konna ni Chikaku de…” performed by Crystal Kay, and “Sagittarius” performed by SUEMITSU & THE NODAME ORCHESTRA. Nodame Cantabile anime series is directed by Kenichi Kasai. Shinichi Chiaki is a real first-class musician and dreams about playing among the elites in Europe, Shinichi came from a well-known family and also known as a perfectionist. Shinichi perfectionist is not just applied to himself but also to other people as well, that’s one of the reas...