Qualidea Code an original anime series that came from a one manga story “Qualidea Code” written by Speakeasy and illustrated by Risou Maeda, four light novel story “Qualidea Code: Itsuka Sekai wo Sukuu Tame ni” written by Koushi Tachibana and illustrated by Kiyotaka Haimura, “Qualidea Code: Sonna Sekai wa Kowashiteshimae” written by Sou Sagara and illustrated by Kantoku, “Qualidea Code: Doudemo Ii Sekai nante” written by Wataru Watari and illustrated by saitom, and “Qualidea Code” written by Wataru Watari and illustrated by Matsuryu and wingheart. Anime series of Qualidea Code is produced by A-1 Pictures and here’s some popular titles behind its studio like Sword Art Online, Ao no Exorcist, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso and Nanatsu no Taizai. Qualidea Code consists of 12 episodes, runs about 23 minutes per episode and aired from July 2016 till September 2016. Opening song “Brave Freak Out” and “AxxxiS” are both performed by LiSA. Ending song “Gravity” performed by ClariS, “Yakusoku -Promise code-“ performed by GARNiDELiA, and “clever” performed by ClariS x GARNiDELiA (ClariS and GARNiDELiA). The Qualidea Code anime series is directed by Kenichi Kawamura.
One quiet and peaceful day, an unexpected event happened when the skies split open and an extra dimensional being launched an attack against humanity. To protect the future, all of the children are cryogenically frozen until the end of war, to keep them safe and out of the war. Several years pass and humanity has established a foothold or a new start in a corner of Japan that can serve as a frontline against the Unknown. The children are awakened from the frozen sleep.
They discovered that children developed a supernatural power to each unique person that was called ‘Worlds’. Six most powerful children are given a command to reclaimed the lost cities while protecting their stronghold based by using their own power against the continued invasion. The country divided by three cities were being managed by the childhood friends Ichiya Suzaku and Canaria Utara for Tokyo, siblings Kasumi and Asuha Chigusa for Chiba, and Maihime Tenkawa and Hotaru Rindou for Tokyo. Because of the routine attacks from the Unknown and different personalities of the city heads and subheads start a rivalry that leads to a constant argument between the three cities. The Unknown starts to increase the attacks and the three cities leaders must learn to work together or the risk of losing the last line of defense of humanity.
Qualidea Code a story of extradimensional attack to the humanity and the only way to survive the human race is to put the children on cryogenically frozen until the end of war but a sudden change when the humanity starts to gain a based or foothold on a line of defense to start a counter attack the children who frozen and sleep, starts to wake up by developing a supernatural skills that can be used to defeat the Unknown invaders. A simple start but a different approach when the children who got the most powerful skills start a bit of city division a rivalry starts and the Unknown attack becomes much stronger the only way to survive is to work together as a group to protect the last line of humanity defense. The storyline of Qualidea Code is a bit common to other story around but what differ is the approach of the main character when they start a rivalry not just for the three cities but also to the three head and subhead to show who is the strongest of them all, a trouble start not just to defend but to expand the territory around.
Qualidea Code animation is good fight scenes A-1 Pictures did a good job like watching some of their famous anime titles around like Sword Art Online and Ao no Exorcist. The anime quality is good for the fighting scenes, a continuous battle and to showcase the main cast and their different skills or supernatural ability to use to defend and attack the Unknown invaders while keeping the main story intact in the anime series. The one great thing is the Qualidea Code anime series. An original anime approach is like the combination of the three different stories because of the city division. Song choice is great for the whole series. They select a great song and artist not just for the opening song but also for the ending song which is the top notch because they are well known artists not just from Japan but also to other countries around the world.
Qualidea Code deserves a good anime recommendation because of the original anime story to enjoy, a non-stop supernatural battle to defend humanity's last stand against the invaders. How does Qualidea Code become an original anime series? Because the Qualidea Code story series is written by a different author at first and focuses on one city for one author and what amazes most how the production creates a story from three different stories to become one is something I praise for that kind of idea to deliver a good anime series. Is Qualidea Code an underrated anime series? Yeah it is underrated, one thing for sure is the storyline they created is a common thing this days the last line of defense like to defend for your whole life which is a true but for some they will still watch it as along the animation is a good fight or battle scenes that makes the anime series interesting or who enjoyed it. Qualidea Code is a good anime series for its animation quality and original anime story to look forward to.
- Qualidea Code
- クオリディア・コード
Type: Series (12 episode)
Aired: July 10, 2016 to September 25, 2016
Studio: A-1 Pictures
Source Story: Original Anime
Genre: Action, Magic, Supernatural
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
• "Brave Freak Out" by LiSA (eps 1-8)
• "AxxxiS" by LiSA (eps 9-12)
• "Gravity" by ClariS (eps 1-4)
• "Yakusoku -Promise code- (約束 -Promise code-)" by GARNiDELiA (eps 5-7)
• "clever" by ClariS x GARNiDELiA (eps 8-12)
Director: Kenichi Kawamura
Character and Voice Actor:
• Chigusa, Asuha (Anzai, Chika)
• Tenkawa, Maihime (Yuuki, Aoi)
• Chigusa, Kasumi (Uchida, Yuuma)
• Utara, Canaria (Ishikawa, Yui)
• Rindou, Hotaru (Fukuhara, Ayaka)
• Suzaku, Ichiya (Saitou, Souma)
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