Tokyo Butei High School, a special school for a student who holds an arms and detective also known as “butei”. Kinji Tooyama sophomore student of Butei High who has a secret in his body is like a super mode that he wants to keep inside and to live a peaceful life. Kinji transferred from Assault Division to Logistic Division after he became a sophomore student and started his peaceful life. One of his biggest reasons for transfer and his secret is his super mode also known as “hysteria mode”, a stimulus to awaken it is the embarrassing mark from himself.
Kinji's peaceful life starts to end so easily when he encounters the Butei Killer who wants to kill a butei student. All of a sudden Kinji meets Aria Holmes Kanzaki, a fellow butei student who hunts the butei killer. In a pinch of time the two of them Kinji and Aria both stuck at one place because they were chased far by the butei killer, even though Kinji hates the idea his inner mode wakes up by a stimulus and they got away easily from the butei killer. Aria is a top butei student from the Assault Division of London who hunts high profile criminals around the world.
Hidan no Aria story is something different that I enjoyed reading the light novel series of the title. There’s a lot of division and characters to count on the light novel. The animation adaptation is 3 light novel series, it’s just the introduction part of some character and back story of Aria H. Kanzaki is the main character of the story and a much more hidden secret that to be revealed in the following volumes of the light novel. So far decent animation delivered by the production company behind. For the music the opening is a good choice not because it’s May’n who sang it but also a good music to remember the series and the ending music is like a reflection of Aria itself who tries to free herself.
The animation part of Hidan no Aria it feels a bit lacking in action, some good battle scenes but a bit hard to remember or I just expect a bit more or just my imagination runs that far. In terms of action scenes, I think it’s a bit simple, not that extravagant to look forward to, but the battle tricks on scenes a bit short but it gave a good explanation after the fight. So far, they almost adapt how the light novel series story goes on and that’s the strong point for it and the weak part is the battle scenes for me because I am looking for some battle effects.
- Hidan no Aria
- Aria the Scarlet Ammo
- 緋弾のアリア
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