Shakugan no Shana or Shana for short. Shana is an original light novel series written by Yashichiro Takahashi and illustrated by Noizi Ito and published under Dengeki Bunko. The anime series of Shana consists of 24 episodes, with a duration of 24 minutes per episode and aired from October 2005 to March 2006, directed by Takashi Watanabe. Produced by J.C.Staff, mostly well-known production of anime and some of their popular work is Toradora, Kaichou wa Maid-sama!, Prison School and Zero no Tsukaima. The opening song “Hishoku no Sora'' performed by Mami Kawada and “being” by Kotoko while the ending songs Yoake Umare Kuru Shoujo” performed by Yoko Takahashi and “Aka no Seijaku by Yoko Ishida.
Crimson Denizens, mysterious beings from a parallel universe who get life energy from humans. The world becomes a slaughtering ground for Crimson Denizens who eat energy and leave behind a small remainder soul called Torch will eventually be destroyed along the very fact victim by Crimson Demizens. Flame Haze has a mission to end all the massacre to the invisible hungry monster around.
Yuuji Sakai, a regular high school student suddenly trapped in a crevice because of a sudden attack of Denizen creatures. A nameless hunter or flame haze came to his rescue in a nick of time. The nameless hunter is different from your ordinary girl except for her blazing eyes and crimson hair feature that can fight and destroy the Denizen creature around. After the fight Yuuji discovers that he is already reduced to a Torch, a scrap of memory that will be extinguished.
Shakugan no Shana is a different type of boy meets girl. In a different situation that mostly anyone will panic when all of a sudden, your existence will be gone for real and no trace will be left behind when you become a Torch after eating your energy life. Yuuji Sakai's life changes after the attack of Denizen, any time your existence in the world you live will be deleted forever. The Flame Haze mission is to maintain the balance of the human world by fighting the Denizen while protecting the human being not to be sucked into the life energy they had.
The animation of Shana is good for simple clean fights but for some effects I want more after watching the whole series. For the story it’s a really good something with a different and more supernatural feeling and a mix of school life to balance it. For the music it shows how the story relates to the first season of Shana. No numbers can establish how good the series is for, to be hooked for the series and a bit of agony because I enjoyed the whole story and see the creativity and twist of the story, but a bit disappointed because only 2 volumes of light novel has been released and translated officially.
Shakugan no Shana deserves a good recommendation because of the story it has, something different and some can relate to how the story will go. This is only the first season, as far as I remember after the series, they also released a movie afterwards which was a good improvement for me in terms of the animation battles and effects. A supernatural, school romance and a bit of drama but it’s part to know more of the characters past and hidden secrets they don’t want to tell and makes them more curious while watching the series.
• Shakugan no Shana
• 灼眼のシャナ
Type: Series (24 episodes)
Aired: October 6, 2005 to March 23, 2006
Studio: J.C. Staff
Source Story: Light Novel
Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, School, Supernatural
Rating: PG-13 Teens 13 or older
• "Hishoku no Sora (緋色の空)" by Mami Kawada (eps 1-16)
• "being" by Kotoko (eps 17-24)
• "Yoake Umare Kuru Shoujo (夜明け生まれ来る少女)" by Yoko Takahashi (eps 1-14)
• "Aka no Seijaku (紅の静寂)" by Yoko Ishida (eps 15-23)
• "Hishoku no Sora (緋色の空)" by Mami Kawada (ep 24)
Director: Takashi Watanabe
Character and Voice Actor:
• Shana (Kugimiya, Rie)
• Sakai, Yuuji (Hino, Satoshi)
• Yoshida, Kazumi (Kawasumi, Ayako)
• Carmel, Wilhemina (Itou, Shizuka)
• Daw, Margery (Nabatame, Hitomi)
• Alastor (Ebara, Masashi)
• Marchosias (Iwata, Mitsuo)
I love the whole series❤ but really disappointed by ending 😔 because shakugan no shana is the one and only anime series which i want more and more volumes, a heartly request to all of shakugan no shana team please give her chance again for season 4🙏